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Bridal Show Preparation 婚紗發表會準備及概況

Updated: Jun 17, 2023

French Romantic Theme Wedding,

11.08.2020 at Attic 80, Taipei, Taiwan

法式浪漫主題婚禮, 11.08.2020,

台北市陽明山美軍俱樂部 Attic80 攝影基地

For Shiew-May, much of the past year was spent with her talented students creating a bridal show that could be used to showcase her design talent along with that of her amazing young designers.

對秀梅老師來說, 在一年多以前, 曾經花了409天和她才華洋溢的學生, 一起創作了 一個很特別的婚紗發表會, 這個發表會, 可以說是不僅展現了老師多年來的設計才華, 同時,也突顯了她曾經訓練過的一群天資秉賦優秀的設計新銳.

Three of our brand new bridal gown designers were featured.


Finally we did it!!! 最後我們真的做到了

The impact on Taiwan during the pandemic wasn't too bad. Our team and I looked at it as a great opportunity to spend our time organizing a Bridal show.

疫情期間, 對台灣的影響, 其實不會太差地. 我們團隊回想一下, 覺得那真是一個大好時機一起花了時間和心力, 組織完成了一個很有意義的發表會.

We had an unforgettable afternoon on Sunday Nov. 8th.


Our New designers, Fabian Leong, Kate Cheng, and Sophie Wu spent over one year designing a fabulous Wedding dress design collection.

我們的新銳設計師, Fabian Leong, Kate Cheng, 和Sophie Wu 花了一年以上的時間完成了一個很棒的婚紗系列創作

The event took place at Attic 80, Yung Min Mountain. What a great venue!

這個婚紗發表會在台北市陽明山美軍俱樂部 Attic80攝影基地隆重舉行. 真的是一個極佳的會場!

I would like to give a shout-out to our wonderful sponsors. They are the best vendors in Taipei City. They are JD Perspective’s, The Stage Photographers, Ruby Chen, and Sunny Lee.

極力推薦這些互惠合作的贊助廠商, 他們真的是台北市最好的婚禮業界最好的合作廠商, 他們就是JD Perspective錄影團隊, The Stage美式攝影團隊,Ruby Chen .The Story Teller 故事造境師婚禮顧問團隊, 以及Sunny Lee 化妝造型團隊.

In addition, we were lucky and excited to have the best musician, Joyband, who played Jazz music.

此外, 我們很幸運地, 而且很興奮地請到了Joyband交響樂團指揮, 曾經是金曲獎得主的張育耀老師, 為我們的婚紗舞台秀做爵士樂小提琴現場演奏.

I also appreciated the support team which was comprised of students who took my class over the past 10 years. They did a great job!

更要感謝從過去10年我在實踐大學推廣部曾經教過的27位結業的學員所組織的支援團隊的協助和支持, 他們真的表現得非常優異, 幫了我們很大的忙!

Finally, thanks to the more than 100 guests who attended the show. Because of their unselfishness, you enhanced the careers of these three new designers.

最後, 還要感謝那來自台灣各地100位以上與會的嘉賓, 因為, 他們的不自私和寬大, 造就了這三位新銳設計師的誕生, 從此打開了他們的設計生涯.

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