Testimonials - 鄭淳齡

Amay's Student 鄭淳齡
很榮幸參與婚紗共展,這次靈感發想又重新複習全修婚紗的內容, 再更進階的系統化來掌握靈感與思考,應用於…
Mo Graduated from The Wedding Dress Design and Development program at Shih Chien University Continuing Education Center in 2018
It was my honor to join the Bridal Branding Show, 2023. When preparing the inspiration this time, I got a chance to review and study the Wedding Development and Design course’s teaching contents again. It helped me figure out how to handle the inspiration and thoughts logically to pursue on our newest bridal collection. I felt that I am available to transfer and process the sketches into the real products. It made me feel so accomplished.
很榮幸參與婚紗共展,這次靈感發想又重新複習全修婚紗的內容, 再更進階的系統化來掌握靈感與思考,應用於設計一系列的作品,把設計圖變成具體成品非常有成就。

In the process of designing and producing, I met a lot of challenges. I appreciate the time that teacher carefully instructed me and helped me on sourcing and in many other ways. After learning from my mistakes and lack of knowledge, I now have the necessary confidence to accomplish all the designs in my collection.
生 產過程遇到各種考驗,感謝老師細心指導並給予幫助、參考資源等...,了解且完善不足之處,讓我更有信心把完成作品。