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Shiew-May You 游秀梅

Founder of Amay 1001

Amay 1001美式主題婚禮和婚紗創辦人

Introduction 簡介

It has been my dream to be a wedding planner since I was a wedding Dress Designer in Taipei, Taiwan and China, from 2001 to 2005. My dream only came true when I arranged my own wedding in Bali Island. After a professional wedding planner training seminar at The Wedding Planning Institute, Borough of Manhattan Community College, New York, NY, I found that my potential is not just as a talented wedding gown designer, but also as a professional wedding planner.

成為一個專業婚禮企劃師(Wedding Planner),是我長久以來的夢想!這個夢想要追溯到2001年到2005年間,當我替幾個台灣外銷美國有名的婚紗品牌, 擔任婚紗設計的工作; 而我的夢想一直無法實現,直到2013年,我替自己企劃設計,在巴里島主題婚禮,才真正實現.後來,陸續接受The Wedding Planning Institute德拉瓦城區大學和紐約曼哈頓Borough分校,美式專業婚禮企劃師證照班的訓練, 突然間產生創意靈感, 把過去的婚紗設計工作的專業技術, 與美式婚禮的主題概念結合起來, 成為現在歐美婚禮市場最受歡迎的主題婚禮和婚紗設計風格.


Experience 經驗

To be understand planning & designing of American theme weddings, I took a job working for the  John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove which is a well-known outdoor wedding venue in the U.S. It is one of 23 bird ecology museums.

為了進一步了解美式主題婚禮的企劃和設計, 我參與了美國一個有名的戶外婚禮設計團隊 – John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove設計主題婚禮, 這是一個美國國家公園, 特別設有各種鳥類博物館的環保公園, 在美國有二十三個不同的景點


From there, my team created more than 100 theme weddings every year. It opened  opportunities to create a variation of outdoor ceremonies, banquet decorations and updated styles and trends for theme weddings.

在那裡, 我們的團隊每年完成100對以上的婚禮, 讓我見識到, 各種不同主題風格的戶外婚禮, 以及各種規模不同的婚宴會場佈置, 所用的主題和表現素材, 以及呈現的效果, 都是目前最新最流行的方式.

Shih Chien University of Continuing Education Center


Starting from 2011, I Taught “Wedding Dress Design & Development” at Shih Chien University of Continuing Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan.  A lot of research in bridal fashion and wedding market has been done as part of the assignments required  in my classroom over the past 11 years.

從2011年開始,在台灣婚紗市場做收集資料, 並在實踐大學推廣教育中心, 設立美式婚紗設計課程, 傳授教學.

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Alfred Angelo 婚紗品牌

My Fashion Marketing background at Parsons School of Design helped me  gain a better understanding of the business side of the fashion industry. I obtained an opportunity to work for Alfred Angelo  who was a well-established company in the U.S as a  bridal consultant. During that time, I had a lot of chances to work with the brides directly. It was a great opportunity to research the different body types, personality,  and interest. So from there, based on their themes, I would be able to help them to find their perfect bridal gowns and accessories.

我在紐約Parsons服裝學院所修的服飾行銷專業, 讓我有機會被美國擁有80年歷史的知名婚紗品牌Alfred Angelo聘請, 擔任婚紗和禮服業務顧問的工作. 這個期間, 我有很多機會直接面對準新娘, 觀察她們各種不同體型, 個性, 喜好, 再根據她们各具特色的主題風格, 協助他們找到適合的婚紗和配飾


American Theme Wedding & Custom Bridal Gown Business


For many years now, I worked with Eastern and Western designs, in different positions in a variety of industries incorporating, design, sales and marketing. These experiences prompted me to open my own on-line brand of custom  wedding and bridal accessory business in February, 2018 in the U.S. It is a door to door theme wedding and bridal gown service.

多年來, 不管在西方或東方, 任職於不同產業的企劃, 設計, 業務或行銷, 各種經驗的累積, 終於在2018年的二月, 開始在美國費城地區自創品牌, 以網上訂購, 量身訂做, 到府服務(Door to Door Service)的經營方式, 結合主題婚禮和婚紗的設計, 幫助當地的新娘完成他們的夢想婚禮和婚紗.

David Tutera 全美巡迴秀

The most inspiring Wedding planning and bridal gown consultant, David Tutera has a partnership with The Wedding Planning Institute (a certificate of wedding planning school) in California. He opened the wedding planning learning course during hid tour of Bridal Expos across the country. At the same time, he also gave internship opportunities. It was very profound and influenced me.

美國婚禮和婚紗界有名的婚禮設計師David Tutera與加州The Wedding Planning Institute(婚禮企劃師證照學校)建教合作,在美國各地舉辦巡迴婚紗和婚禮博覽會;同時, 開闢婚禮企劃專業訓練課程, 做教育訓練, 給學員實習觀摩, David Tutera的構想,深深影響我,


Organized A Branding New Designer bridal Show


Finally, I reunited three excellent students who took my teaching program in the past 8 years in August, 2019 to organize a theme bridal show. The show combined Eastern and Western wedding trends. It was so successful.

2020年八月, 召集到過去八年, 曾經接受過婚紗設計的歷屆的結業的優秀學員, 一起實踐成為婚紗設計師的夢想, 把主題的概念, 加上歐美當季婚紗最流行的元素, 詮釋到台灣本土的婚紗設計中, 偕同台灣婚禮同業,在2020年11月的婚紗品牌發表會中, 一起帶動台灣婚禮和婚紗的流行風潮.


Partnership with the National Twain University of Arts Continuing Education Center



I was invited to cooperate with the National Taiwan University of Arts in February, 2022.I put my enthusiasm and was excited to prepare the Bridal gown design and development teaching program. Hopefully, this training can continue to teach the next generation of designers. Our goal is to prepare new designers so that some day they too can pass on their knowledge to the bridal industry in Taiwan and even to the world

2022年2月, 因緣際會, 應台灣藝術大學推廣中心邀請, 和我們”Amay 1001 美式主題婚禮和婚紗 "團隊建教合作, 本人以最大的熱情,為接下來的專業婚紗企劃和設計師訓練營全力以赴, 讓台灣優質的婚紗設計技術繼續傳承下去, 更渴望在將來, 我們訓練出來新一代的婚紗設計師, 都能在台灣婚紗業界貢獻所學,並進一步走向國際舞台, 揚名海外.

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