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Amay's Dream

My Interest became my career; To help young people to achieve their dream is such a pleasure for me.


The Wedding Dress Design and Development Program at Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan

Amay Teaching Program


Our program is created by  the trends surrounding theme weddings and bridal gowns which are popular in Europe and the U.S. Our goal is to encourage the students to use the theme idea to combine with the local creativity of art and bridal gown. It will refresh a totally new style for the Taiwan bridal market.


We bring the development process of famous brands from Europe and the U.S. and divided the course in two sections:

Section one, the teamwork training, which is a foundation course for a brand new designer training; It will help the students to build up their capability of development & design  and performance. For example, the outline of bridal gown,  detail, beading, embroidery, and lace design capability. At the same time, we bring the European and American marketing overview to cite the weakness and strength of  Taiwanese Bridal industry.  The members are able to learn the SWOT, Marketing Positioning, and marketing strategy. From the research to development and performance, we take one on one learning and depend on the students’ level  from easy  to advance . The members will learn how to use the sourcing to forecast the new season bridal trends and  to create a theme 

我們學習的課程內容, 是以歐美當季流行之主題婚禮, 及婚紗為例子,  引導學員將主題婚禮的概念, 融入到本土婚紗設計的創意發想當中,  展現出台灣婚紗的新風貌.  


我們引用歐美當今知名品牌的企劃流程, 將整個課程分為兩大單元:


第一單元為團隊精神的訓練, 也就是婚紗設計基礎的養成, 品牌設計師的訓練; 訓練學員企劃設計及執行的能力, 例如: 婚紗設計的款式和輪廓,  細節設計, 縫珠, 繡花, 以及蕾絲設計的能力. 其中,  我們以歐美婚紗市場的概況, 引證到目前台灣婚紗市場的優缺點, 學員可以從中學習SWOT分析, 市場定位,以及行銷策略, 從資料的收集到企劃的執行, 我們採用一對一教學, 因材施教, 循序漸進. 學員將在短短幾周的課程中,  學會如何利用現有資源, 預測下一季婚紗設計的流行,  並企劃設計創作出一系列有主題的婚紗禮服.

August, 2022,  Amay 1001 American Theme Wedding Online program is open for registration now:

2022年 8月Amay 1001主題婚禮和婚紗網上課程 (招生中):

婚紗品牌設計師訓練課程(網上授課 已結業)
8/1~9/19 平日班 周一至周五 每晚7:00PM~10:30PM 學費30000元

視訊課程基礎養成: 120小時課程

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December, 2023,  Amay 1001 American Theme Wedding Online program is open for registration now:

2023年 12月Amay 1001主題婚禮和婚紗​網上課程 (招生中):

婚紗品牌設計師訓練課程(網上授課 招生中)
(平日及周末班) 學費: $17,500元

實體課程基礎養成: 70小時課程

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Second  section of the training is to teach the students  how to  set up a Workshop. It’s created to give the designers  and the brides clear communication training. It is a very practical training for someone who would like to open a studio of their own. It will lead the members on how to communicate with their customers and how to create a bridal and gown and two pieces of evening gown from scratch.  In the final, the students  will be able to make a ½ size of dress and a 1:1 scale detail design drawing for the dress. 


第二單元為個人工作室的建立, 也就是設計師和新娘子之間溝通的訓練. 也就是婚紗設計進階的實用課程, 引導學員與新娘子溝通, 從無到有為新娘子量身打造” 一件白紗“, “兩件晚禮服” . 最後在課程結束前,  學員可以有能力做出1/2的初樣,  以及圖案設計的花版

March, 2024,  Amay 1001 American Theme Wedding Online program is open for registration now:

2024年 3月Amay 1001主題婚禮和婚紗​網上課程 (招生中):

專業婚紗個人工作室工作坊(網上授課 招生中)

平日及週末班學費: $15,000元

實體進階含蕾絲貼花初胚 50小時 (需完成實體課程基礎養成 70小時課程 或有時尚設計基礎)

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March, 2024, Amay 1001 American Theme Wedding Online program , is now open for registration:

2024年 3月Amay 1001主題婚禮和婚紗網上課程 (招生中):

專業婚紗個人工作室工作坊(網上授課 招生中)

暫定3月(平日及週末班)學費: $29,500元

實體進階課程含1/2小樣的製作: 108小時

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Whenever, the students who  complete the  basic or advanced design training, and also present very well, they would get a chance to join a free one on one training by Shiew- May and attend the Bridal branding Show, 9.30.2023, which will be placed by Amay 1001. It will start from the second  bridal branding show in 2023, Amay 1001 and will have a direct relationship  with SOPHIARITZ, New Taipei.  An on-line and  retail marketing  strategy which is defined as Omni-Channel will be used.


凡是經過訓練, 表現優異的學員,  將有機會被甄選為每屆由Amay  1001主題婚禮和婚紗, 主辦的婚紗品牌發表會的參展設計師.  接受秀梅老師一對一免費發表婚紗系列作品的訓練, 並且從2023年第二屆婚紗品牌發表會開始, 將與板橋蘇菲雅婚紗憶起合作,  做線上和線下實體店面合作的全通路行銷(Omni-Channel).

​One on one Bridal Show workshop free training Online Program. Registration opens soon. 

婚紗品牌發表Workshop Case by Case課程(免費網上授課中 已於2023.09.28結業)

以徵選方式參加 視訊課程 時數計劃分配表:

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Amay's Mission

I can still remember the spring of 1993 when I boarded a flight to the U.S for my study at Philadelphia University. My dream was always to some day return to my hometown university to teach. Because I received a lot of support from teachers, classmates, Family, and friends, I would like to continue to contribute my time and energy to helping others achieve their dream. Hopefully this feedback will inspire another generation of great designers.

記得1993年的春天, 當我提著兩個皮箱飛到美國費城科技大學唸書的時候, 我的心中一直都抱著一個願望, 有一天, 如果有機會, 我一定要回到這塊, 我們自己的土地, 把自己所學, 分享給更多需要幫助的朋友; 因為, 當我是實踐服裝設計科學生的時候, 有很多的老師和同學, 以及我的家人和朋友曾經無條件地幫助過我; 今天, 當我行有餘力的時候, 同樣地, 我很願意繼續傳承下去.

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