Testimonials - Eva
Amay's Student Eva
Eva Graduated from The Wedding Dress Design and Development program at Shih Chien University Continuing Education Center in 2014.
Eva 結業於實踐大學推廣部2014年70小時美式婚紗企劃設計班
In this course I learned how to develop, little by little from scratch to become a real design product. It started from research to find out the inspiration and created your theme and mood board. Finally, all the ideas were presented on the shapes and detail of the gowns.
Teacher Shiew- May not only taught us how to create a great design, but also brought her years of marketing & design experiences into her teaching programs. It helped us to understand that wonderful products have to be branded and marketed in order to get to the customers and satisfy their needs. She introduced the wedding industry which included the manufactures and retail stores to cooperate with the students at school to become a working team. This included the bridal designers, bridal retail stores, photographers, and wedding planners and so on. She helped to choose and develop the excellent creations of students to become beautiful products. Due to her passion and long term goal, it broadened the new designers’ network and the wedding industry in an effort to create opportunities to meet more original and creative bridal gown designs. I hope the entire wedding Industry of Taiwan can in some small way be impacted and improve from the cooperation of Shiew-May and the events she helps to create.
秀梅老師除了教導我們如何創造好的設計之外,也利用她豐富的行銷與設計經歷,向我們展示了,好的商品需要透過適當的包裝、宣傳,才能被更多人看見、被真正需要的消費者所使用! 透過婚紗產業上、下游(設計師、婚紗店、拍攝基地、婚禮企劃)的服裝秀合作,讓課堂上的優秀作品「真正走入消費市場變成優質商品」, 藉由活動籌備,秀梅老師鉅細靡遺地指導所有參與的設計師與相關工作人員,從設計師與打版師的製作溝通,到合作廠商間的行銷規劃、活動執行細節都一一親自參與, 讓我了解到「當你真心、毫無保留地想要做好一件事情,全宇宙都會協助你」,也藉由老師的熱情與遠景,讓設計師得以擴大產業人脈、供應商們也能接觸更多台灣原創的婚紗設計, 期待台灣婚紗產業將衝撞出更多美麗的火花、創造更棒的榮景!