Amay 教學課程
The Wedding Dress Design and Development Program at Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan…
The Wedding Dress Design and Development Program at Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
How time flies! I remember it was March 2011 when I started to teach the Wedding Gown Design Program. Now, It has been 10 years already.
時光飛逝! 記得2011年三月才開始教婚紗這季的課程, 至今已經有十個寒暑.
During that time, it didn’t matter whether I was in Taiwan or the U.S, I will always have great memories of those classes. I was always very touched and amazed after each seminar just how talented and eager the students were to learn.
在這段時間,不管我本人是在台灣還是在美國, 每每回想起那群充滿天分和勤奮號學的學生,總是讓我感動很久.
I will always remember the spring of 1993, when I carried two pieces of luggage on a flight to the U.S for my study at Philadelphia University. My dream was always, if I got an opportunity, to return to my hometown university to teach one day.
永遠忘不了1993年, 當我拿著兩個大皮箱來到費城科技大學留學的時候, 我的夢想總是希望有一天,可以回到我的母校來教學.
Because I received a lot of support from teachers, classmates, Family, and friends, I would like to continue to contribute my time and energy to helping others achieve their dream. Hope this is feedback that will inspire another generation of great designers.